Thursday, January 08, 2004

Leftover Broccoli Stalks

After the holidays we made this invigorating soup:

Leftover broccoli stalks, peeled, cleaned and sliced.
an onion (or two, depending on the size)
leftover piece of pumpkin, peeled and cut in chunks
a smal potato
part of a chilli pepper, size according to taste
butter or vegetable oil
creme fraiche

Saute the onion in the butter or oil, add the vegetables and after a few minutes a fair amout of water. Cook until tender, liquidize with the mini masher and adjust taste with salt and pepper.
The chilli lifts the boring blandness of the pumpkin.
Serve with a dollop of creme fraiche.
Eat with dark brown bread with (salted!) butter.

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