Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Chicory stew

This was a succesfull experiment. Chicory is the white, bitter tasting vegetable, although Jamie Oliver calls it "endive".
Red Onion
Small tasty tomatoes
Anchovies (not too many, as they are very salty)
Crème fraîche
Olive oil
Preheat oven to 225º C (450º F). Slice the onion, roughly chop the chicory and anchovies. Combine all ingredients, except the crème fraîche, and cook in the oven, stirring occasionally (30 minutes) . Stir in the crème fraîche, and serve over brown rice.
I have not tried it over white beans or flageolets, but I would not be surprised if it would taste even better! (with grated parmesan on top?)

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